Territorial election commission
of Fergana region


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Fergana Regional Election Commission Holds Regular Meeting




A regular meeting of the Fergana Regional Election Commission was held under the chairmanship of E. Nuraliyev.


The meeting discussed the formation of district and city election commissions.


According to Article 19 of the Election Code, the candidates for the membership of the district and city election commissions are discussed at the sessions of the People's Deputies of the district and city Councils and are recommended to the regional election commission for approval.



The regional election commission forms the district and city election commissions with the commission chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretary, and between eight to eighteen other members at least seventy-five days before the election.

The list of candidates for the district and city election commissions, formed by the 15 district and 4 city councils, was presented to the regional election commission for approval.



The commission reviewed the candidates and made a decision to approve them.

  • "The district and city election commissions include 393 members, of which 155, or 39 percent, are women," says E. Nuraliyev, Chairman of the Fergana Regional Election Commission. "Also, among the commission members, there are 353 with higher education, 40 with secondary-specialized education. By profession, there are 169 teachers, 51 economists, 23 lawyers, 29 medical professionals, 33 engineers, 9 journalists, and 79 representatives from other fields. The age distribution of the commission members is as follows: 21 members are aged 21-30, 164 members are aged 31-40, 108 members are aged 41-50, 70 members are aged 51-60, and 30 members are over 60 years old."

The composition, addresses, and phone numbers of the district and city election commissions will be published on the official website and in the press.

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